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 Vexris Manor

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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 10:14 am

Ryota was moving some of Sarasa's things up to his house they had to wait a few days before they could start so that the landlord could get things set up to rent out the apartment. Sarasa was at work and would be back a little later she had been staying at his place the last few days so the first things he had moved were her clothes and things of like nature. As Ryota was approching his house he saw what could only be explained as a Giant of a man. Before Ryota could actually see the man he knew who it was and his timing couldn't have been better although the man himself would think otherwise Ryota would still put his size to use. As Ryota got closer he could see that the man had been waiting for awhile now and looked nearly dead on his feet from exhaustion and likely lack of sleep. Once Ryota was close enough he called out. "Dailmora how are you doing i haven't seen you in a long time instead of standing there why don't you come help me get some of this stuff up there i may be a wizard but my magic only helps so much." Ryota smiled at how easily he could always get Dailmora to help him when he needed it.
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 10:24 am

Maika jumped down out of a Tree and started digging threw Sarasa's things.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 10:55 am

Ryota spun around building a ball of air and hurled it at the women going through Sarasa's things and at nearly the same speed as his ball of air was going through the air Dailmora was running towards the women with his short knife held and a reverse style. Ryota knew what Dailmora was planning he wouldn't kill the women he would capture her and question her as to what she was doing but unlike Ryota Dailmora wasn't doing this for Sarasa he thought the women was a threat to him.
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:00 am

Sarasa ran in front of the ball of air getting hit falling down from the impact and starts crying clinging to Maika;Maika got mad and picked up Sarasa kicking Dailmora out of the way pushing him a few inches away stomping over to Ryota."I THOUGHT SHE WAS YOUR GIRLFRIEND!!!LOOK WHAT SHE DID CAUSE OF YOU!!!"Maika yelled at Ryota holding Sarasa close to her.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:05 am

Ryota was mortified then he was angry "Because of me if you hadn't been going through her things none of this would of happened now tell me who you are and i mean now....." before Ryota could finish Dailmora stepped up behind the women pryed Sarasa's arm off her wrapped his arm around her and lifted her clear of the ground using his other arm he held the knife to her throat "Move and you die."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:11 am

Sarasa woke up and squirmed over to Maika."MAIKA!!!"sarasa said in a shakey voice scared."Maika are you okay."Sarasa said clinging close to Maika.Maika smiled and hugged Sarasa."I'm fine Sarasa are you okay."Sarasa nodded clinging close to Maika."I thought you where off on a Job..."Thats all Sarasa said was Job so Ryota and the Mystery GIANT!!! didnt know Maika was a Assassin."I Couldnt get him its gonna be hard explaining that to Jinjayushi."Maika said sighing hugging Sarasa close smirking going to grope her breasts."Ahhh i missed these."Maika said squeezing Sarasa's boobs.Sarasa squeeked and asked Maika to stop it."P-P-Please Maika stop it let go!"
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:19 am

Ryota looked at Sarasa a moment. "Sarasa do you know this women? If you do I'd speak up i'm not trying to sound harsh but Dailmora isn't going to let her go unless i tell him too he's been appointed my guardian and protector he's more of a brother to me than anything but he'll do what he believes is right unless told otherwise."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:22 am

Maika yelled."Yea!She does!i've known her since she was 5!Now tell this big oaf!to let me go!"Maika yelled then chuckled."Or i'll kiss Sarasa!"Maika chuckled.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:26 am

"I wasn't talking to you i asked Sarasa i'll not be taking your word right now as i wouldn't be able to tell if you just lying to me to get out and with your answer Dailmora wouldn't listen to me if i took your answer. Now Sarasa do you know her if you do say so and Dailmora will let her go won't you Dailmora." "Of course i would if she turns out to be a friend then i've no reason to hold her as if she were a threat and would be glad to let her go but on the other hand if it turns out that she's not a friend she's going to be in for a rough couple of nights whilst i figure out why she was here and trying to steal from honest folk.
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:30 am

Maika chuckled and looked down at Sarasa."Hey Oaf now you've done it."Maika chuckled Sarasa bounding up baring her huge Fangs at Dailmora her eyes glowing bright red saying in a Demonic voice."You lay one finger on her and i'll kill you with my bare fangs!"Sarasa said her demonic side possing her.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:37 am

"Dailmora let her go judging by her reaction I would say that she know her." Dailmora looked down at Sarasa and glared at her releasing Maika. "I'm here to warn you little girl you may be Ryota's girlfriend and he would likely kill me afterwards but before you even got close enough to bite me you and your friend here would both be dead and for doing so i know Ryota would kill me but i would gladly let him kill me for having hurt him but then you wouldn't be around to make him happy so either stand down or you can die the choice is yours just remember that you threatened me first and i would only be protecting myself." At the end of Dailmora's threat Ryota was beyond angry and he yelled and added sound amplification spell and a small wind spell to his voice "That's enough all of you knock it off." He had added enough to it to knock everyone to the ground but not enough to hurt anyone.
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:47 am

Maika caught Sarasa before she could fall."You okay Sarasa."Maika smiled holding Sarasa happy to see her for the first time in 6 years."I Missed you Sarasa."Maika said Sarasa cuddling into Maika Maika was like a big Sister to Sarasa."Maika i missed you too..."Sarasa said crying into Maika."Dont worry Sarasa Maika's here."Maika said rubbing Sarasa's arm comferting her.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 11:54 am

"Dailmora i do believe the is something you need to say to the both of them and I mean now or you might as well leave cuz if you can't say it then you've no right being around." "I'm sorry ladies im Ryota's guard but it's more than that he's like a little brother to me and i don't want to see him get hurt....although as we all found out he can handle himselft pretty well....But anyway Miss Maika i'm sorry if i hurt you and you Lady Sarasa i'm sorry i threatened you i do hope that we can all become friends and that we can put this whole evenings events behind us."Ryota walked over to Sarasa and Maika kneeling down lowering his head to them both. "I to am sorry if i hurt either of you i meant nothing by it at first i was only guarding the things that belonged to the women i love and then i was just wanting to keep everything from going bad if either of you hate me for this then so be it but know that i arbor no ill feelings toward either of you."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:02 pm

Maika got up helping Sarasa up Maika rubbing the back of her head embarrsed."I'm sorry i called you a Big Oaf Mr.Dailmora."Maika said bowing to him a small picture incased in a jewel sat around Maika's neck the picture of the Boy who broke her heart many years ago.Sarasa bowed also apolgizing to Dailmora."I'm sorry i threatened you Dailmora-san."
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:07 pm

"Think nothing of it i do believe that there are times that's about all i am although come to think of it years ago there was a girl that called me the same thing but i can't remember her name I think i broke here heart when i moved away as a young boy and never told her why i was moving or even offered to bring her with or anything but you see i didn't do it on purpose i was moved out in the middle of the night but for the life of me i can't remember her name I loved her and still do but i can't remember her name but after 11 years away from her i'm not sure what she even looks like wish i did cuz i want to find her and appologize for what I did."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:13 pm

Maika shocked fell to the ground."W-Was her Name Maika Rikyu"
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:14 pm

Dailmora stood there stunned. "Yes it was but how would you know that."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:17 pm

Maika got silent tears swealing up in her eyes her voice going shakey."I.....I......I.....I'm Her....."

Last edited by Sarasa Matsumo on Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:25 pm

"Wait your the little girl that I fell in love with 11 years ago but how is that possible i mean yes it's good that i've found you but......." Dailmora fell to his knees. "You must hate me by now to have left you and never come back after 11 years i couldn't blame you but all I ask is that you forgive me for having broke your heart the lord know that's the last thing i ever wanted to do. Oh please if nothing else can you please forgive me for having done what i did to you all those years ago?"
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:27 pm

Maika sobbing nodded she'd forgive him as she ran away Sarasa chasing after her.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:34 pm

Ryota had long since left up to his house and was getting things ready he figured he might have a few guest staying over tonight so he was preparing the guest rooms. He heard the door fly open and Dailmora went and slumped down into a chair. "Dailmora what up is there something wrong." "I would say so my entire past just caught up with me and i've no idea what i'm going to do can you just leave it be at that i'm not in a mood to talk right now." "Yea sure whatever you say where's Sarasa and Maika are they coming up here as well?" "They might later Maika ran off crying about something that i'm not going to get into right now and Sarasa went after her it's better if we just wait here." "I would agree with you on that besides we would just get in the way it's best to let them work things out besides that i have the feeling your the cause of it anyway so you being there would make it worse and me im not very experienced in things like this so i wouldn't be able to help anyway. Although if they are gone to long it would be best that we go looking for them so keep that in mind give them a few hours at most nothing more Sarasa's a vampire and that Maika seems to be able to handle herself i mean she knocked you back so i'm not to worried about it as is." "Sounds good to me i'll be in my old room if you need me." "Alright i'll call for you if you needed."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:41 pm

Maika after running stopped at a river falling to her knees Sarasa got to her knees and hugged Maika."Sarasa....Why...Why did he come back into my life i'm happy but...i'm scared...i'm scared...."Sarasa held Maika hitting her on her back in a certian place that makes her pass out carring Maika back to the house.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:47 pm

Ryota was waiting on the Front porch for Sarasa he had used a spell and had read her thoughts on what had gone on between Maika and Dailmora when he saw her coming close to the house he prepared a spell and went inside. "Dailmora come here i need your help with something remember the old Room the wizard used to punish us whenever we misbehaved the something in there i need your help with." Dailmora came down stairs and went in the room. "So what is it you needed help with?" "nothing your going to be stuck in there for a little while and don't forget there no way out until I remove the spell you'll understand in a minute." Ryota went back outside just in time to catch Sarasa coming up the stairs. "Sarasa I know your plan and i've got a way for it to work as long as you follow my instructions ok."
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Sarasa Matsumo
Sarasa Matsumo

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:49 pm

Sarasa nodded carrying Maika.
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Ryota Vexris

Ryota Vexris

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PostSubject: Re: Vexris Manor   Vexris Manor Icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:52 pm

"Ok bring her inside." Ryota led Sarasa inside and over to the room he had Dailmora stuck in. "Put her in there and they won't get out until i remove the spell that's around the room and that won't happen till they work thing out. If that works for you?"
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